Informing others of a death

How to tell people


It can be hard to pass on news of a death. You might find this information below helpful.

If you are in the position of having to let friends and family know, there are two aspects to bear in mind: the practical challenge of getting in touch with a big group of people, and the emotional challenge of dealing with others’ reactions.

How to tell people

You may feel overwhelmed at the thought of passing on the news of a death, especially if you have a lot of people to tell and you want to tell them quite quickly.

Make decisions about whether to tell people face-to-face or by phone
If you have a large family or wide circle of friends, delegate some of the responsibility for passing on the news to those close to you
If you don’t know how to phrase the news, just keep things simple

Dealing with reactions


In letting people know what has happened, you will have to deal with the grief of others as well as your own feelings. Be prepared for the fact that people may not respond in the way you might expect, they may be embarrassed or say something awkward.

Contact Us

When someone close to you dies, having to arrange their funeral will probably be one of the most difficult challenges you have to face in life. We’re here for you in your time of need day or night. We are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year offering a personal service to the families of Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke-on-Trent.